Marriage Getaway Weekend Retreat

Marriage Getaway Weekend Retreat

Ridgecrest Christian Education and Convention Centre


A collage of photos of couples interacting and landscape photos of the area around Ridgecrest Centre to form a logo for the marriage event.
Ridgecrest Christian Education and Convention Centre, in partnership with Better Marriages Australia (BMA), invite you to join BMA Accredited Leader Couple Noeline and Paul Drayton, along with other couples who value their relationship, for a Marriage Getaway Weekend Retreat where you can spend quality time way with your spouse, renew your sense of fun, romance and intimacy, and learn new skills to grow and sustain a healthy, loving marriage relationship.
This will include an opportunity to:
    • To take a sincere and honest look at our marriage as it now is
    • to decide together the new directions in which we want our marriage to grow in the next twelve months
    • to develop some new insights, and to gain some new skills, which will make it possible to achieve the goals we set for the future growth of our relationship
    • explore essentials to doing that, such as:
      • a commitment to growth
      • an effective functioning communication system
      • the ability to make creative us of conflict


When:         29th – 30th June, 2024

Where:       Ridgecrest Christian Education and

Convention Centre, Mumbil, NSW



Cost:            $350 per couple

 (includes accommodation and meals)


Head and Shoulders photo of Paul and Noeline Drayton, Better Marriages Leader Couple with some flowers in their garden showing in the background

As a trained and accredited Leader Couple, Noeline and Paul have led many marriage enrichment retreats, events and workshops across NSW and in New Zealand, including at conferences. They have served as Chair Couple of CMEA for two terms and on the organizing committee for several terms.  Noeline and Paul are currently the Leader Couple Coordinators for Better Marriages Australia (NSW).  In 2013, they had the privilege of attending the Better Marriages International Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

Noeline and Paul celebrated 50 years married this year and began their own journey in marriage enrichment 44 years ago when invited to a weekend retreat by a couple they knew in their church.“For a young couple, with a small child, and still in the early years of our marriage, the initial attraction of the weekend was the opportunity for some time away together.  It turned out to be so much more, as the experiences shared and the skills introduced to us, opened up new possibilities for developing, and nurturing our marriage which has enabled us to continue to grow as individuals and as a couple.  This experience then led us into training as a Leader Couple and has enabled us to have the privilege of sharing these skills, and our marriage experience, with many couples over the years and facilitating their development of skills based on the Better Marriages Companionship Marriage Model.”


We would love to share this experience with you and your spouse, of a weekend retreat in the beautiful surroundings overlooking Lake Burrandong, along with other couples who value their marriage and want to grow even more together.

Click on the REGISTER HERE on the top right of the screen to find out more and complete your registration to join us at Ridgcrest.

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