Better Marriages Seminar in Tumut, NSW

John and Heather McAlpine



John and Heather McAlpine returned to their previous hometown of Tumut in March 2021 to run a marriage seminar. The area has really suffered not just with COVID restrictions but still rebuilding after the devastating bushfires early last year that led to Batlow being evacuated. After having the seminar cancelled in 2020, it was a joy to be able to meet with 22 couples from Tumut, Tumbarumba, and Batlow to encourage marriages from all generations.

When John and Heather lived in Tumut for 13 years, they would run marriage weekend retreats locally each year. It was such a blessing for them to meet up with participants who can still recall benefits from these retreats even 20 years later. One couple who were just engaged and attended their first marriage weekend delighted in still recalling some of the tips and advice from that time early in their relationship. They shared how it was “such an incredible strength and resource for them in the ensuing decades.”  Illustrating the circle of life, there was a couple at the seminar whose parents had attended a Tumut Marriage retreat 25 years previously.



The McAlpine’s focused on communication skills and conflict resolution and gave couples the opportunity to explore what was underneath their anger. They also examined ways of becoming closer companions. Debbie Gadd, a pastor from Tumbarumba, described the event as “refreshing and real”, grateful for the personal examples that the McAlpines shared. “They were practical and resonated with my life.”










Heather in an interview to the local paper said- “We were mindful of the unique life stresses the local people have been exposed to over the past year, first battling drought, then bushfires and then COVID on the heels of that trauma. I think this has caused couples to reassess what’s important in their lives. You realise that having a strong and vibrant growing marriage is more important than physical day-to-day aspects of life. And that even the structure of one’s house that we assume will provide refuge, is actually very temporary and superficial……. It was beautiful to see couples of all ages and from all walks of life, valuing their relationships and investing their time and energy into growing better marriages… What a powerful way to create generational change and leave a living legacy for their loved ones.”


Presenting the new Better Marriages Australia website

Better Marriages Australia is excited to welcome you to our new Website!

Our goal is to provide you with easy access to news, information, coming events and couple resources that will interest, facilitate, and empower you and your spouse to make a good marriage even better.

The purpose of this article is to take you on a brief tour of the main features of the site.

An image of the top section of the BMA website home page. Banner image of a young couple sitting close together and some introductory text

Top section of the BMA website home page


The site navigation is divided into 6 main areas, About us, Membership, Events, Resources, News and Contact Us all of which can be accessed by links in the top banner and the footer of every page on the site.

Panels on the site front page also feature links to selected Events, articles, and Resources.


Screenshot of two content panels own the site home page

Screenshot of two content panels own the site home page


Screenshot of Home Page panels for news articles and email subscription

Screenshot of Home Page panels for news articles and email subscription

Screenshot of the Resource panel and footer of the homepage

Screenshot of the Resource panel and footer of the homepage


From the Homepage, you can also sign up to receive news and updates, via email, on upcoming events and available resources.  In addition, you can quickly access information on becoming a member of Better Marriages and you can make your membership payment by credit card or Paypal through the website.


Screenshot of the membership Page

Screenshot of the Membership Page


The Events section provides information on upcoming Conferences, Workshops and Local events. You can filter the full list of events by any of those 3 categories.


Screenshot of the Events Page showing all current events

Screenshot of the Events Page showing all current events


A screenshot of part of the event details page for the Love in the Vines 2018 Conference

A screenshot of part of the event details page for the Love in the Vines 2018 Conference


For instance on the Full details page for Love in the Vines Better Marriages Australia 2018 Conference you can not only see all the relevant conference details but also Register for the conference on the same page. After  you have entered your registration details and clicked on the RSVP button, an email will be sent to the Better Marriages Australia Treasurer Couple with your registration details and they will email you with a Payment reference number and a link to the Centralised Payment Page on the site where you can pay your registration fees by either credit/debit card or PayPal.


Screenshot of the BMA website Resources page

Screenshot of the BMA website Resources page


The Resources section of the Better Marriages Australia contains a range of resources couples can use to develop and practice relationship skills.  They, range from articles and couple exercises that you can download, through to Video or Audio resources that you can watch on the site via streaming.  Better Marriages Australia is also developing some additional premium resources that members will be able to access in the future by logging in to the site.



On the News page, you will have access to useful articles authored by Better Marriages Australia members and Leader Couples, as well as curated links to other interesting articles on Marriage available from other websites.

We encourage you to explore the site and let us know your feedback, by email, through our Contact Us Page.


Screenshot of the Better Marriages Australia website contact us form

Screenshot of the Better Marriages Australia website contact us form

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